For Authors

The EMI is committed to publishing ethics: 

Guidelines (for authors and opponents):

Please submit your papers (and opponent reviews as well) exclusively via email to

Submitted papers go through a two-round peer review process, so-called double-blind peer review. This means that the identity of the reviewer and the author of the text are not mutually known and each paper is assessed by two reviewers independently.

During the first round, the editorial board decides if the paper 1) follows the formal requirements including a structured abstract in English (moreover, an additional abstract in Czech or Slovak language can be included) and citations in the text following the Harvard style (name-date), the citation structure of the works cited list called Reference and Sources according to the APA 6 citation norm (, 2) thematic focus is in accordance with the scientific focus of the journal; 3) the review strategy is described in the paper, all claims are properly cited from relevant databases or stem from research procedures of authors; 4) the aim (or hypothesis, or research question) is clearly stated; 5) the research methodology is described; 6) ethical limitations of the study are stated (for more details see: If the paper meets all the above-mentioned criteria, it proceeds to the second round of assessment. This round scientifically examines the correctness of methodological approach, results adequacy, scientific level of the discussion, more detailed citation and research ethics, level of English, etc.

In the second round of assessment, the selected opponents assess the following criteria:

  • topicality of the paper
  • relation of the stated aim to the research methodology
  • structure of the original scientific paper (IMRAD)
  • adequate scientific methods
  • interconnection of results with discussion and correctness of the stated claims
  • both summary of main ideas resulting from the methodological procedure and statement of the main purpose of the paper in the conclusion
  • clarity of the paper
  • linguistic level of the paper
  • innovativeness of theoretical/methodological results or originality of the application of paper results

Paper submission deadlines:

1/2024 – by 31st May 2024

2/2024 – by 30th November 2024

Formal requirements:

Submitted papers must follow the graphic structure of the template which is available for download below. In case the structure is not in accordance with the template, the paper is returned to the author in order to remake the graphic structure of the paper according to the template.

Papers are accepted in the Czech, Slovak or English language. Above the body of the text, it is necessary to indicate the title of the paper, abstract, key words and classification according to the JEL Classification. An abstract in Czech or Slovak can be included, however, an abstract in English must be included at all times.

The text must use the Arial Narrow font, size 12, single line spacing, full justification, page size A4. Required paper length is 8-12 pages.

It is necessary to use the same font in all sections of the document. Italics should be used for highlighting. All graphic appendices must be provided only in black and white version or in shades of gray. Colourful graphic appendices can be published only in the electronic form.

All papers should be saved as .doc (or .docx) file and sent to

Paper template:

Paper template (English language, .doc file)

Publication ethics policy:

EMI journal follows ethics rules as set by COPE in Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors ( If the paper is accepted, the author is asked to fill in and sign the Author Statement in which the responsible (first or corresponding) author confirms by signature that the above-mentioned publication and ethical criteria have been met. EMI journal has the right to exclusive publication of the paper. Copyrights are guaranteed to the authors and, at the same time, the authors agree to the licensing of their work under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.


The peer review process:

For the second round of the submitted paper assessment, the editorial board of the journal selects opponents among distinguished professionals who are assigned by the editorial board on the basis of the JEL Classification. The papers are assessed by reviewers of other institutions rather than by experts affiliated with the author’s organization. In order to preserve objectivity, all submissions are made anonymous before being forwarded to assessment and the identities of authors are never revealed to the opponents.

In the evaluation, the opponent must award points (on a scale from 0-10) to each assessed part of the paper. If the points given are lower than 5, the peer reviewer is obliged to provide verbal evaluation. In case of evaluation points ranging between 6 and 9, verbal evaluation is recommended. The review must include a final statement which can take one of the following wordings:

  • Accepted without revision
  • Accepted with minor revision (to be published after revision)
  • Accepted with major revision (to re-enter the peer-review process after revision)
  • Rejected

If the final statement states Accepted without revision and there is an agreement on this statement among all paper opponents, the paper is recommended to the editorial board for publication.

If at least one of the opponents states Accepted with minor/major revision in his/her final statement and specifies the necessary changes, the paper including the opponent’s suggestions is given back to the author to make necessary corrections and create a list of the changes s/he made. It is required that the authors list the corrections after the peer review in a structured way according to the opponent’s suggestions in the conclusion of the revised paper or in a special document.

In case of minor revision, the paper is submitted to the editorial board for publication after the required changes have been made. In case of major revision, the paper is sent back to the opponent.

If both opponents state Rejected in their final statement in the second round of the peer-review process, the paper will not be published. If the final statement of at least one opponent states Rejected, the editorial board will ask another opponent to write a peer review. If two out of three reviews state Rejected in their final statement, the paper will not be published.

The editorial board selects papers on the basis of the completed two-round peer review process. There exists no legal claim to have the paper published.

Accepted papers are published both in print and in electronic form.

If the paper is accepted, the author is asked by EMI editor-in-chief to fill in and sign the Author Statement in which the author confirms by signature that the above-mentioned publication and ethical criteria have been met.

Authors, opponents and readers can use the material published in the journal for free if used for scientific work or teaching (always properly cited), but not for commercial purposes.